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Hope for Developmental Delays: Finding Success Outside Standard Therapies

Writer's picture: Radiant Waves ChiroRadiant Waves Chiro

Updated: Jan 21

As a parent, it's natural to feel both concern and confusion when your child exhibits gross motor delays. You may have exhausted various strategies, such as numerous physical and occupational therapy sessions or consistent home exercises, only to observe minimal progress. If your child struggles to sit up, crawl, or walk despite months of traditional therapy, or often tires, slouches, and avoids physical activities, rest assured you're not alone. Many parents find themselves in a similar situation, puzzled by their child's stagnant gross motor development.

However, the root cause of your child's challenges may be a factor that traditional pediatric therapies often overlook. The real issue behind gross motor delays in children extends beyond low muscle tone and a weak core.

The Importance of Gross Motor Skills

Gross motor skills are essential for a child's overall development and daily activities. These skills involve large body movements, primarily using large muscle groups like the arms, legs, and core. However, a set of nerves and muscles often overlooked in discussions about gross motor skills and development are those of the neck and neurospinal system.

Gross motor development occurs in a predictable sequence, beginning with head and neck control for latching and nursing. As your child grows, they develop trunk control through tummy time and learning to roll over. Next, they activate their core muscles to sit independently. From there, your child progresses to army crawling and regular crawling, crucial for brain development. Finally, they learn to furniture cruise and take their first steps.

The Missing Piece: The Role of the Neurospinal System

Traditional therapies often overlook the critical role of the nervous system, particularly the neurospinal system, in gross motor function, focusing instead on strengthening muscles and improving coordination. To address the root cause of any neuromuscular or gross motor challenge, we must first consider the "neuro" part. This is where Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care can offer benefits, as it can access and improve Central Nervous System function in a way that PT and OT cannot.

Subluxation and sympathetic dominance, or increased tone, often occur in the neck and neurospinal system. These issues are usually caused by breech positioning or birth interventions like forceps, vacuum, induction, or c-section. The resulting hyper or high tone will remain in those regions until adjusted and cleared. Thus, the original cause of "low tone" or a "weak core" is actually tension and subluxation in the neck and neurospinal system.

A Real-Life Example: Joseph's Story

Let's consider Joseph, a 12-year-old boy who sought help for daily challenges associated with autism, ataxia, and chronic constipation. His significant gross motor delays and struggles caught his doctor's attention.

Joseph's mom shared that he always found a way to slouch, regardless of their efforts. Joseph struggled to sit straight, stand tall, and move without tiring. His body was simultaneously "wound up and worn out," prompting him to seek additional movement stimulation through constant stimming and other behaviors. Consequently, they had abandoned all PT and OT and had almost "given up" on improving his gross motor function and posture.

However, within the first week of receiving Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care, Joseph's gross motor function and endurance improved significantly. He began wanting to go to the gym, work out, use the treadmill, and play at the park! Both his mother and doctor were thrilled with his progress.

The Path Forward: Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care

If your child has been struggling with gross motor delays and you feel like you've tried everything without lasting results, it's time to delve deeper. Subluxation, excessive sympathetic tone, and persistent effects of birth trauma could still be affecting their progress.

At Radiant Waves Chiropractic, we can assess your child's gross motor function down to the core using Neurological INSiGHT Scans, particularly the EMG. Once we have the results, our doctors can create a fully tailored care plan for your child. This approach can help your child overcome their developmental plateau and get back on track with their gross motor development. If you're not local to us, check out the PX Docs directory to find a PX Doc office near you.

Remember, you're not alone in this journey. By addressing the root cause of your child's gross motor delays through neurologically focused Chiropractic Care, you can help them unlock their full potential and thrive. Don't lose hope – there are solutions available that can significantly impact your child's life, helping them overcome their gross motor challenges and achieve the milestones they deserve.


Hours of Availability:

Monday                    9am-1pm, 3pm-6pm

Tuesday                    9am-12:30pm, 2:30pm-6pm   

Wednesday              9am-1pm, 3pm-6pm

Thursday                  9am-1pm, 3pm-6pm

Friday                      9am-12pm

Saturday-Sunday    Closed

2525 Military Trail Suite 103, Jupiter, FL 33458

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